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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance

For Jumpstart to College Students

Currently enrolled MCPS students (still in high school) do not get charged tuition, fees or textbooks for their first two college courses during the fall and spring terms., regardless of financial status. Students are financially responsible for winter and summer.  Financial assistance options are available.  see below.  

Tuition and Fees

Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) Students

The first two college courses will be at NO COST to  Jumpstart to College students for fall and spring terms. All college tuition, fees, textbooks and instructional supplies for the two courses will be covered by MC and MCPS.  Students are responsible for all costs for additional courses  in fall and spring as well as during the winter and summer terms.  Early College, Middle College and P-Tech students should contact their coordinator for financial information and expectations.

Homeschooled, Private and Out of County Residents

All non-MCPS students are required to pay the regular rate of tuition and fees for every term.  Cost is based on residency status. Students are also responsible for all required textbooks associated with the college course.  Non-MCPS students may be eligible for the Dual Enrollment grant listed below based on financial need and available funds.

Financial Assistance

Dual Enrollment students are not eligible for federal financial aid (i.e., FAFSA) or the Maryland Promise Scholarship. However, some students may be eligible for a Montgomery College Dual Enrollment Grant to cover portions of required tuition and fees.  

MC Dual Enrollment Grant Information

Students currently enrolled in high school and seeking classes at Montgomery College (MC) may apply for a need-based grant  depending on available funds under the provisions below.

Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) Students who are enrolled in college courses for the fall and spring do not need the grant  for the first two courses and should not apply. MCPS students may apply for funds to cover a third course and for all winter or summer courses. Early College, Middle College and P-Tech students should not apply and must contact their coordinator for financial information. 

Montgomery County Home-School Residents and Non-MCPS Maryland State Residents attending a secondary school in Maryland who are enrolled in college courses may be eligible for funds that pay the cost of Montgomery College tuition, fees, and required books for each course per semester, depending on available funds. Student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Applicant, and their parents, must be permanent residents of Maryland.  Student must be attending a secondary school in Maryland or is a registered Montgomery County home-schooled student.

Grant Award Details

1.  ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT: Student must be properly admitted to Montgomery College and approved to take courses through MC’s Dual Enrollment to be eligible.  Grant awards will not be confirmed and funds will not be applied until after student is registered for a course. Student must be registered in a course prior to submitting an application.

2.  ONLINE APPLICATION: Student must submit a separate online grant application for each semester they are requesting assistance to be eligible for an award.   

3.  FINANCIAL STATUS:  Grant eligibility requires documented proof of a 2023 federal adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less (found on IRS Form 1040). Student is instructed to complete and submit the online application confirming that their household income is below $100,000.

4.  TAX FORMS: Students must submit the 2023 federal tax forms IN PERSON at either a dual enrollment office or the scholarships office (not the financial aid office). DO NOT submit via mail, fax or e-mail.

  • If you are seeking to take a spring 2025 course and previously submitted 2023 tax forms for the fall then you do not need to resubmit the forms.  Only fill out the online application. 

What tax information do you need?

  • The first two pages of the 2023 1040 tax return, (State tax returns or W-2s are not accepted)
  • Tax return must have the student listed as a dependent
  • Tax return must be signed by the tax-filing parent, (If a student does not live with both parents, the custodial parent is the one the student lived with most during the past 12 months. If the custodial parent is remarried, the stepparent’s income must be included).  
  • Tax filer must sign tax return regardless of who prepared the tax document.  
  • Inaccurate or incomplete tax returns received will void the grant award and student will be responsible for the full cost of the course and textbooks.

VIEW SAMPLE TAX RETURN (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

5. NON-TAX FILERS:  If your parent/guardian does not file taxes please send an email to  with a detailed explanation and supporting documents for review.

The Dual Enrollment  grant covers the cost of required textbooks for the course(s) listed on the student’s class schedule. 

  • Instructions on how to obtain textbooks will be e-mailed to each student once their grant is approved.
  • Course textbooks will be available for pickup or to order online through the MC bookstore website only where appropriate.
  • Students will get FREE ground shipping.  Student is responsible for expedited shipping and will be billed accordingly.
  • Textbooks must be ordered through the online bookstore by the posted deadline.  Late starting and summer classes will be ordered for the student by the dual enrollment office.
  • Student will not be reimbursed for textbooks purchased outside of the HS grant’s textbook pickup instructions and deadline for pickup.
  • The student is responsible for purchasing any items other than the required textbooks associated with the grant, including optional/suggested textbooks, apparel and school/computer/art/music supplies etc. 
  • Student must return the textbook to MC if they drop or withdraw from a course and may be financially responsible for a non-returned textbook.
  • Spring 2025 Grant deadline: The completed spring Dual Enrollment Grant Application and 2023 1040 federal tax forms or letter of explanation for non-tax filers must be received by MC no later than Monday, January 20th

How to Apply

    • Student must fill out an online SPRING 2025 GRANT APPLICATIONnew window to apply for funds for that session.  If taking classes in both sessions then a separate form MUST be filled out for each.  Upon completion an e-mail confirmation along with an electronic .pdf copy of their application will automatically be sent to the MC e-mail address provided.  
  • STEP TWO: 
    • Go to your MC e-mail address and confirm that you have received the e-mail confirmation and electronic .pdf copy of application.
    • You will receive an email from the scholarship office to your college email account with instructions on how to upload the required 2023 federal tax returns.  If you previously submitted tax forms for a fall 2024 class, do not resubmit, just complete the online application and indicate that they were already submitted. 
    • The Montgomery College scholarships office will contact you with a decision letter by email to your Montgomery College email address only.

Reasons why your DE Grant is delayed or not approved:

  1. You did not submit an online grant application for the semester you intend to take classes. (Fall, winter, spring and summer are separate).
  2. You are not registered for a class you requested the grant for by the deadline. (Your MyMC account should show the class. only requests registration)
  3. You did not submit the required federal tax forms or letter of explanation to scholarships office.
  4. You submitted the tax forms but it did not have the right information (see grant instructions above)
  5. You mailed, e-mailed or faxed your tax forms when instructions say to hand-deliver them.
  6. You submitted a grant application or financial information AFTER the posted deadline.
  7. You did not meet one or more of the criteria above to be approved for the grant.

If you have any questions regarding the MC Dual Enrollment Grant, contact the Dual Enrollment office at  or the MC Scholarships office at