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Board of Trustees of Montgomery College

FY25 Board of Trustees


Annually, the Nominating Committee for the Montgomery College Board of Trustees accepts applications to serve on the board. For more information about the application process, please visit this websitenew window

The Board of Trustees of Montgomery College is the institution's legal governing body and is comprised of ten community individuals who are appointed by the governor. 

The board derives its authority from Title 16 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, which provides the legal basis for the control and administration of Maryland's community colleges. The board conducts its meetings in accordance with the Maryland Open Meetings Act using the Robert's Rules of Order for the parliamentary procedure of meetings. 

The Board of Trustees exercises general control over the College. It is empowered:

  • to establish the salaries and tenure of the president, faculty, and other employees;
  • to acquire and dispose of property;
  • to arrange for cooperative use of facilities with the Board of Education;
  • to apply for and receive gifts and grants;
  • to establish entrance requirements and approve offerings consisting of two-year transfer programs, career/technical programs, and continuing education programs;
  • to set student tuition and fees;
  • to sue and be sued;
  • to solicit bids and make contracts; and
  • to enter into collective bargaining agreements with duly elected bargaining agents of College faculty and staff.

For more information: Board of Trustees Bylaws (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)  

Upcoming Monthly Meeting 

April 21, 2025
Please check back on Wednesday, April 16 for meeting information and agenda. 

Board of Trustees Information

Board Meetings and Agendas 

Prior to public sessions, the board typically meets in closed session to discuss one or more of the topics set forth in General Provisions Article 3-305(b) of the Maryland Code. Although members of the public are excluded from closed sessions, all closed sessions begin with a brief public session to vote on a motion to close.

Members of the public may attend and observe the vote of the board to move into closed session at the time, date, and place specified.

  • At least two weeks prior to the board meeting, individuals who need accommodations for a disability, please emailnew window
  • For location and directions about scheduled meetings on site: Central  Services Building Mapnew window

    Board of Trustees | Montgomery College 
    Central  Services Building (CT) | Suite S108
    9221 Corporate Boulevard
    Rockville, Maryland 20850
Communicating with the Board
Legal Notice of Meetings
2024–2025 | Schedule of Upcoming Meetings 
2024–2025 | Minutes and Resolutions 
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Archived Board Meetings, Minutes, and Resolutions
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Board Resources