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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

High School Partners

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)

MC and MCPS share a longstanding partnership that offers Dual Enrollment to all MCPS students. Where available, students can enroll in MC courses directly at their MCPS high school. Current MCPS schools offering MC courses are: Albert Einstein, Bethesda Chevy Chase, Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Northwood, Paint Branch, Richard Montgomery, Seneca Valley, Sherwood, Springbrook, Wootton, and Walter Johnson High Schools.

DE classroom

For more information on specific course offerings, please reach out to your MCPS Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA)new window.

State, Private, and Non-Traditional High Schools

High school students are always encouraged to take MC coursework for Dual Enrollment at any campus location or online. MC is also open to discussing opportunities to bring MC coursework to your high school.

 If you are interested in offering new or additional MC coursework at your school, please email Mr. Akima Rogers.