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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

Options for Private and out-of-county public school students

As a private school student or out-of-county public school student, there are many dual enrollment options available to you.  Students from 9th to 12th grade may enroll at MC and take just one course or enough to earn significant credit towards a college degree while still in high school.

Jumpstart to College

What is Offered:

  • Students may enroll in a choice of over 400 individual college courses.
  • Students may take class on campus, online or at a HS site where appropriate.

Who is Eligible:

  • Must meet HS GPA requirement of 2.5 as a senior or 2.75 as an underclass student.
  • Must assess at the college ready level in reading to take any class.
  • Must meet the assessment level and prerequisite for any class requested.

When do you apply:

  • There is no admissions application, however, students request a course for each term separately.
  • Must meet all admission and enrollment requirements prior ot the first day of class. 

Find more information on Jumpstart College.

Special Programs

Washington DC OSSE Scholarsnew window: Up to 50 students per semester may enroll at MC on a full scholarship/

St. John’s College High Schoolnew window: Students may be cohorted to enroll in Multivariable Calculus or other college courses.

Rochambeau French International Schoolnew window: Students may enroll in 1or 2 courses per semester on a full scholarship.