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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

Admission and Registration Procedures

For Current High School Students
Important Notice
  • Now: FREE College admissions application
  • Click HERE to find a list of college courses approved to provide dual (high school) credit
  • Click HERE (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) to find college courses that provide the same transferrable college credit as AP or IB without needing a qualifying score

Select Your Status

To complete the admission and registration procedures, please select the option below that best describes your status, depending on whether 

  1. You are an MCPS high school student, and  will be a high school student in 2024-25 or 
  2. You are currently a private, homeschooled, out of state, and will be a high school student in 2024-25
MC uses an online registration process for Dual Enrollment students attending MCPS schools. Students will be able to complete all enrollment steps, obtain appropriate approvals, and track progress electronically. The enrollment process typically takes up to two weeks for new applicants and 1-2 weeks for returning students.

Review the College and program requirements and the Dual Enrollment student checklist (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) , then meet with your high school counselor to discuss your overall education plan to include your high school program of study and the college course(s) you wish to take. You must also submit your Dual Credit Refusal Form to MCPSnew window. MC Counselors are also available to help students select courses that will lead towards a degree and/or transfer to a four-year institution.

Submit an MC admissions application online following the instructions below. MC will confirm your DE participation with your high school DEPA, assign you a College ID number (M number), and e-mail you an admissions welcome letter. 

As a high school student, the entire enrollment process is handled through the Dual Enrollment Office. Please check with your MCPS DEPA or an MC Academic Coordinator should you have any immediate questions. 

You will be e-mailed an admissions letter with other important information that you will need as a student. Please keep this in a safe place, as you will need to reference it later.

Online College Admissions Application Process

All students applying to Montgomery College through Dual Enrollment MUST use the online admissions application system. You may now follow the instructions and click the link below to officially submit your online MC credit admissions application:

Apply Onlinenew window for College Admission:  Please read and follow these steps before completing the online Application for Admission:

  1. On the first screen, select Apply Online Now.
  2. You will see a place for a login ID and a PIN. Since you are a new applicant, click on First time user account creation.
  3. Click Yes and OK on the dialogue boxes that appear on the screens.
  4. Follow the directions on the page to create your Login ID and PIN.
  5. Your application type is DUAL ENROLLMENT.

Activate Your Student Account

  1. Claim your MyMC account:  Go to MyMC new windowand click on "Claim Your Account." You will be prompted to enter your MC Student ID along with your M# (nine characters including the M). Watch the tutorial herenew window.
  2. Once you are logged in to MyMC, set up your Montgomery College email account by clicking on the email icon. This is the way MC will communicate with you.

Returning Students DO NOT reapply for college admission. Contact your high school DEPA to start the semester enrollment process using your same College ID number (M Number).

Create an account at the MC DualEnroll sitenew window using the college ID (M Number) provided to you by your MCPS DEPA. MC will verify and match your profile information with your online admissions application.    

Returning Students Only: If you previously submitted an online MC admissions application AND set up an MC account, then proceed to Step Four.

Each semester, you will use the MC DualEnroll sitenew window to request enrollment. This includes a participation agreement, parent/guardian approval, high school counselor recommendation,and college course request. At this point, you should have also submitted a Dual Credit Refusal formnew window directly to your DEPA or counselor PRIOR to enrollment.

Students must have appropriate course placements in order to register for a College course.  

Standard Placement: Students may use qualifying ACCUPLACER/ESL and/or ALEKs Math scores on record or can satisfy placement via certain sections on the Placement Exemption document (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

Accommodations for Testing: The process and criteria for testing accommodations are different in high school compared to college. Students must follow the college guidelines

If you are a first time student, you must complete an Orientation AFTER the College has received appropriate assessment/placement info for you. Once completed, you will need to upload the proof of completion certificate through the MC DualEnroll sitenew window.
Each semester, MCPS will review your participation request, which includes submitting a HS counselor recommendation, submitting an official HS transcript, verifying financial status, approving college course request, verifying dual credit refusal form, and obtaining principal's approval.
An MC Academic Coordinator will review and confirm your Dual Enrollment program status via to include all required documents and consents as well as placement eligibility for the course(s) requested.
After all of the steps in have been completed and verified, an MC Academic Coordinator will review your portfolio and register as appropriate. You will be notified by email and your class schedule and bill will available in MyMC.

You will need to pay all required MC tuition and feesnew window, in accordance with the College’s payment deadlines. Students with demonstrated financial need must apply for the appropriate assistance or college grant by the posted deadlines. 

On-Time Registration Policy: On-Time Registration means that registration and payment are due before each class is scheduled to start. Payment deadlines are based on the time of registration. Each student is responsible for his or her tuition and fees. Register for classes and then make payment arrangements so your courses are not dropped for nonpayment. Contact the Dual Enrollment main officenew window for more information.

MC uses an online enrollment management process for Private, Homeschooled, and Out of State students.  Students will be able to complete all enrollment steps, obtain appropriate approvals, and track progress directly with the MC system. The enrollment process typically takes up to two weeks for new applicants and 1-2 weeks for returning students.

Review the College and program requirements and frequently asked questions (FAQ) then private school and out-of-county students should meet with their high school counselor or administrator to discuss your overall education plan. For parents providing home instruction, you determine the overall education plan. MC academic coordinators and counselors are also available to help students select courses that will lead towards a degree at MC and/or transfer to a four-year institution.

Submit an MC credit admissions application through the college’s online application system (instructions below). MC will notify you by e-mail/letter with admissions verification and college ID info. Once your College admissions application has been approved, you must also meet the Dual Enrollment requirements in order to be eligible to enroll in college courses as a high school student.

Online College Admissions Application Process

All students applying to Montgomery College through Dual Enrollment MUST use the online admissions application system following the instructions below. Once the application is submitted, the College's admissions/registrars office will contact you by e-mail/letter to provide you with your college ID number and other important information that you will need as a student. Please keep this in a safe place, as you will need to reference it later. The admissions process generally takes up to 3-4 business days after proper submission.

You may now follow the instructions and click the link below to officially submit your online MC credit admissions application:

Apply Online for College Admission: Please read and follow these steps to complete the online application for admission:

  1. On the first screen, select APPLY ONLINE NOW.
  2. You will see a place for a login ID and a PIN. Since you are a new applicant, click on First time user account creation.
  3. Click Yes and OK on the dialogue boxes that appear on the screens.
  4. Follow the directions on the page to create your Login ID and PIN.
  5. Your application type is "DUAL ENROLLMENT"

Activate Your Student Account

  1. Claim your MyMC account:  Go to MyMC and click on "Claim Your Account." You will be prompted to enter your MC Student ID along with your M# (nine characters including the M). Watch the tutorial herenew window.
  2. Once you are logged in to MyMC, set up your Montgomery College email account by clicking on the email icon. This is the way MC will communicate with you.

Returning Students DO NOT reapply for college admission. Go to Step Three to start the semester enrollment process using your same College ID number (M Number).

Create an accountnew window to access the MC online enrollment management system using the college ID (M Number) provided to you via e-mail/ mail. MC will verify and match your profile information with your official college records. 

Returning Students Only: If you previously submitted an online MC admissions application AND created an MC account, then proceed to Step Four.

Each semester you intend to enroll, you will use the MC site new windowto request registration for a course. This includes a participation agreement, parent/guardian approval, high school counselor recommendation, recent HS transcript and college course request. View the official course schedule to use when choosing your course in MC Print and follow the Dual Enrollment student checklist, to ensure that you have completed all requirements.

Private or Out-of-State school students only: Your HS counselor will need to approve participation and submit your most recent official HS transcript through the MC system.

Homeschooled students only: Must have your homeschool provider approve participation through the MC system and have your home school student verificationnew window submitted to the Dual Enrollment office via e-mail.

Students must have appropriate course placements in order to register for a College course.  

Standard Placement: Students may use qualifying ACCUPLACER/ESL and/or ALEKs Math scores on record or can satisfy placement via certain sections on the Placement Exemption document (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

Contact an MC Academic Coordinator to obtain authorization to take an assessment test or schedule to come to campus to submit your appropriate standardized test scores for assessment/placement exemption.

Accommodations for Testing: The process and criteria for testing accommodations are different in high school compared to college. Students must follow the college guidelines.

If you are a first time participant, you must complete an Orientation AFTER the College has received appropriate assessment/placement info for you. Once the orientation is completed, you will need to upload the proof of completion certificate to your MC account.
An MC academic coordinator will review and confirm your Dual Enrollment program status via MC to include all required documents and consents as well as placement eligibility for the course(s) requested.

Dual Enrollment students cannot register themselves. Students will be officially registered for the course requested after all of the steps in MC have been completed and confirmed. Once an MC Academic Coordinator registers you, you will be notified by e-mail and instructed to log onto your MyMC student account to verify your official class schedule. You are not registered for a class until it shows on your schedule in MyMCnew window.

On-Time Registration Policy: The College requires all students to be registered for their class by no later than 11:59pm the day before the class is scheduled to start. Students must complete all steps in MC and be ready for registration in accordance with this policy. This includes schedule adjustments. Students who do not complete all MC steps prior to the start of class will need to request to register for a different class that begins at a later date.

You will need to pay all required MC tuition and fees, in accordance with the College’s payment deadlines. Students with demonstrated financial need must apply for the appropriate assistance or college grant by the posted deadlines. 

Registration for a class creates a binding financial obligation that must be paid in full unless a student officially withdraws from the class prior to the published deadlines. To obtain a refund, a course must be officially dropped by the refund deadline. The refund deadline for each course is listed in My MC; refund deadlines vary by course. It is the student's responsibility to officially drop a course if they no longer wish to attend. Non-attendance or failure to pay does not constitute an official withdrawal.

As a Montgomery College student, it is critical that you are prepared for the college class you are registered for. Review important info and a student checklist (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)  to ensure that you have everything in place.