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P-TECH (Pathways in Network and Information Technology) Program


P-Tech graduate at commencement

The Pathways in Network and Information Technology Program at Clarksburg High School  is an MC-MCPS dual enrollment program that enables participating students to earn both an MCPS high school diploma and an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Cloud Computing and Networking from Montgomery College at no cost to the student. 

Both the high school diploma and MC degree can be completed by the time the student graduates from high school or, the MC degree component may be completed within the 2 years immediately following high school graduation.

The AAS degree will ensure that students will meet industry expectations and gain technical skills and workplace competencies as well as industry certifications.  Additionally, the program affords participating students support through mentoring and a paid summer employment opportunity within the technical industry in Montgomery County.

Cloud Computing and Networking A.A.S. degree

This curriculum provides students a broad coverage and technical understanding of computer technology, networking, and security, as well as the communication and professional skills required of all entry-level IT professionals. Skills include software and hardware installation, network configuration and diagnostics, security and forensics fundamentals, virtualization and cloud computing implementation, along with a “hands-on” focus on scenarios in which troubleshooting tools must be applied to resolve problems. 

Upon completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Install, maintain and evaluate computer networks.
  • Describe network architecture concepts, including topology, protocols, components, and principles.
  • Demonstrate best practices in the use of lab equipment and network hardware.
  • Create a detailed plan showing the steps necessary to implement a network security system.
  • Test and configure network services, devices, and peripherals.
  • Review data and identify relevant evidence using current forensic tools.
  • Describe the evolution of cloud computing and major methods of deployment.
  • Design and implement cloud applications that can scale up on a VM (Virtual Machine) and out across multiple VMs.


The program is offered exclusively at Clarksburg High School. Students are admitted  from Clarksburg High School feeder middle schools. Additionally, a limited number of middle school students from the following high school clusters are also eligible to apply: Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Quince Orchard, Poolesville, Seneca Valley, and Watkins Mill. The P-TECH program has no exam or admissions screening for entry. All students who are eligible to apply to this program will receive a letter in early October from MCPS that includes the required MCPS application link. Central stop transportation is provided to out-of-area students.


Students must apply in the fall of their 8th grade year and if accepted to the program, must register and successfully complete the required program pathway courses each year. Students must maintain a 2.75 grade point average.

Students will participate in a summer bridge program every summer including the summer before entering grade 9, but excluding the summer of their paid work experience assignments.   

Clarksburg P-TECH/Middle College Program

  • Clarksburg HS Cloud Computing and Network Technology 4-year pathwaynew window.
  • Clarksburg P-TECH/Middle College MCPS webpagenew window 


The P-TECH program application process is handled through the MCPS Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services (DCCAPS). Parents of students who are eligible to apply will receive an application link in their parent portal in October. Applications are due in early November.

Contact Us

Comprehensive information and additional links can be found on the Montgomery County Public Schools' Middle College websitenew window.  If you have any additional questions about Middle College, please contact for more information. 

4-year Institutions Accepting P-TECH Graduates

Members of the first P-TECH graduating class, in 2022, received their Montgomery College A.A.S. degree and MCPS high school diploma and were accepted to the following 4-year institutions: