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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

Assessment for Course Placement

Students at Montgomery College, including high school students seeking to take college courses, will be required to meet all assessment and prerequisite requirements for each course sought. 

Montgomery College uses a variety of methods for determining course placement, including the SAT, ACT, AP and previous high school or college coursework.  Dually enrolled students may only enroll in college level credit courses and may not enroll in developmental courses or courses that combine developmental and college level work.

In accordance with College policy, all assessment testing results will remain part of the student's permanent college record  and will be used to determine eligibility to take a course for Dual Enrollment as well as any future courses at MC after HS graduation.   

Placement Testing Options Available to Dual Enrollment Students

 There are several types of assessment options that can be used by Dual Enrollment students.  As a result of the MC/MCPS Institutional Partnership, MCPS high school students have some exclusive options as well.

All Students
  • For Math placement, the primary test at MC is the ALEKS math placement test.  The test consists of three parts, and students will need to create an individual student account using the ALEKS webpage.
  • For English placement, the primary test at MC is the Remote English Placement. Students who need to complete the assessment should contact their Jumpstart to College Academic Coordinator, who will make the referral and additional instructions on completing the assessment
  • Based on select responses on their MC application, students' primary test for English placement may be the ESL Remote Placement. Students who need to complete the assessment should contact their Jumpstart to College Academic Coordinator, who will make the referral and additional instructions on completing the assessment.
  • Students may also submit a placement exemption (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) in lieu of taking the placement tests mentioned.  Some examples include the SAT, ACT and other forms of alternate placement.  Dual Enrollment students should refer to the placement exemption document, or contact their DEPA/Academic Coordinator to see if this option is available to them.  
MCPS Students Only
  • Select MCPS ACCUPLACER results can be used for MCPS students.  These results can satisfy Math or English placement, and are transferred from MCPS to MC on a regular basis.  Students must ensure their MC application information is correct and up to date in order to use the MCPS ACCUPLACER option
  • The Alternate Placement Program (APP) can be used by MCPS students for placement as well.  Students earning a 'B' or better in their final semester of Honors English 12, AP Language/Composition or Modern World History will receive an ENGL101A placement exemption.  Students earning a 'B' or better in their final semester of Algebra II will receive a MATH050/MATH117 placement exemption.  APP grades are transferred from MCPS to MC on a regular basis.  Students must ensure their MC application information is correct and up to date in order to use this option.   

More information on each of these options, as well as resources for placement test preparation, can be found on the MC Assessment Center webpage, under the Placement Testing.

Placement Test Registration/Sign-up for DE Students

  • All Students taking the ALEKS math placement test will need to visit the ALEKS website, create an account and complete an initial math diagnosticnew window before taking the test for placement.  Once these steps are completed, the student should contact their MC Academic Coordinator (AC).  The AC will issue a test referral and the student can then take the test for placement at one of our three campus MC Assessment Centers.  
  • MCPS Students should check with their MCPS Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA) for their placement test status.  Based on this students will either receive a referral to test on-campus, can sign up to take a placement test at their high school, or can submit their placement exemption under the supervision of an MC-Academic Coordinator.   
  • Non-MCPS Students (other Maryland public school, home-schooled, private and out of state) should check with their MC Academic Coordinator for their placement test status.  Based on this students will either receive a referral to test on-campus or can submit their placement exemption under the supervision of an MC-Academic Coordinator. 

Getting Your Placement Testing Results

Students should wait 48 hours after completing their placement test or submitting their placement exemption.  Afterwards, they can access their placement results by either:

  • Completing an Academic Orientation AFTER completing/submitting one of the assessment testing options.  Results are shown on a certificate that is awarded after completing the orientation.  The certificate is also emailed to your MC email address.  
  • Using the 'Student Advisory Report' tool from their MyMC accountnew window.  Students should log in to MyMC, scroll to the 'Student Tools' section and select the 'Student Advisory Report'.  From there, results are shown on the 'Admission Tests & Course Placements' tab. 

If you experience any issues accessing your placement results, please email for assistance.  

Students may be eligible to retest if their placement results do not meet the requirements for their course.  Students must place above the 'Continuing Education' reading placement to participate in Dual Enrollment at MC.