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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

Contact Us

Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday 

E-mail: Dual Enrollment new windowfor general inquiries on Jumpstart to College, the Middle College Programs or Dual Enrollment in general. 

E-mail: Early College for general inquiries on the Early College Program

Campus Locations

(Please call or e-mail to ensure a staff member is available.  Staff may be working at high schools, other campuses or remote throughout the week) 

Rockville Campus, South Campus Instructional Building (SB), Room 113

(Mannakee Street entrance to South Campus Drive, Adjacent to Lot 12) 

Map & Directionsnew window

For General inquiries  about Early college e-mail
  • Future Early College Students: Students interested in the Early College Program must e-mail or visit the Early College webpagenew window for qualifications and other information.
  • Current EarlyCollege Students: should contact the coordinator from your degree program and campus for all matters. 
For General Inquiries  about Jumpstart to College e-mail
  • MCPS Students: MCPS Students seeking individual  courses should contact the MCPS Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA) new windowat their high school to initiate enrollment.  MC academic coordinators are available to assist and work directly with the school's DEPA to facilitate admission and registration.
  • Non-MCPS Students: All other high school students (homeschooled, private and out-of-county/state) seeking individual courses should follow the DE admission and registration procedures to enroll or email our main office (see below) with any questions.
For General Inquiries about Middle College or P-TECH e-mail middlecollege@montgomerycollege.edunew window