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Nominations and Elections

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Nomination Details

Each spring semester, governance holds nominations and elections. Nominations are open to all members of the College community so that you may nominate students, faculty, staff, and administrators regardless of your role. You may also nominate yourself. All nominees will be able to accept or decline their nominations before the elections start.

Employees are nominated to serve a term of two consecutive academic years. Students are nominated to serve for a one-year term.  If you are considering serving on a council, you are encouraged to talk with your supervisor to discuss this opportunity and professional growth. In addition, if elected, you may need to consider how to best minimize disruption to your work responsibilities to accommodate the time needed for governance. Although the time commitment varies, expect to spend about four (4) hours per month for a council that meets once a month and eight (8) hours for a council that meets twice a month. The time commitment for a council officer is larger.

Everyone nominated will receive an email asking you to accept or decline the nomination. If you are nominated for more than one council, please note you may only accept one nomination. The other nominations will automatically be declined when you select the council of your choice.  If you do not accept or decline the nomination, your name will not appear on the ballot.  By accepting a nomination, you agree to have your name appear on the ballot for that council in the upcoming election. However, accepting a nomination does not guarantee your membership on a council. The outcome of the election will determine the governance membership.

We strongly encourage everyone who accepts a nomination to add a brief bio, stating their interest in governance. The interest statement should be 2 to 4 sentences about why you are passionate about serving the College as a governance member. Indicate any unique skills, talents, interests, or past governance experience. In other words, tell us who you are and why we should vote for you.

Election Details

While everyone can self-nominate and nominate anyone at the College, your election ballot depends on your position (role) (student, staff, faculty, or administrator) and your location (Takoma Park Silver Spring, Rockville, Germantown, and WDCE) at the College. For this reason, your ballot will only include vacancies for which you can cast your vote.

2024 Nominations and Elections Dates
2024 Nominations and Elections Dates
February 24- March 07 Nominations Period
March 10-21 Period to Accept or Decline Nomination
March 31-April 11 Election Period

Nominations and Elections Powerpoint (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)
Nominations and Elections Flyer (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

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