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Special Tuition Rates and Waivers

If you fit into one of these special categories or are pursuing certain degrees, you may be eligible for reduced or waived tuition.

Active Duty Military and Their Dependents

Active Duty Military and their dependents are immediately eligible for in-county/in-state tuition rates.

Maryland National Guard Members Half-Tuition Waiver

Maryland National Guard members who meet certain criteria may be eligible for a 50 percent tuition waiver. 

Foster Care Tuition Waiver

The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients is available to foster care youth who are enrolled as a candidate for an associate, bachelor’s degree or vocational certificate at a Maryland Public institution of higher education. The purpose of Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients is to provide financial assistance to foster care youth.

Homeless Youth Tuition Waiver

The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth is available to homeless youth who are enrolled as a candidate for an associate, bachelor’s degree or vocational certificate at a Maryland Public institution of higher education. The purpose of the Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth is to provide financial assistance to homeless youth.

Tuition Waiver for Students with Disabilities 

Students with disabilities may be eligible for a tuition waiver.

Senior Tuition Waiver

Students aged 60 years and older may be eligible for a tuition waiver. 

Business and Industry Tuition Rate Agreements

Businesses or other organizations in Maryland may be able to offer their employees or members College tuition and fees at the in-county residence rate, regardless of their home address.

Statewide Programs

The Maryland Higher Education Commission designates some community college programs as statewide programs. Students may enroll in any of these programs at the same rates as in-county residents if a particular program is not offered by the local community college, or if the student cannot enroll due to an enrollment limit.

Health Workforce Shortage Program

Maryland residents who enroll in Health Workforce Shortage Programs, as identified by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, may pay the in-county tuition rate of each school on a space-available basis.