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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.


Responding to emergencies promptly, efficiently, and professionally saves lives. Knowing what to do and how to do it will minimalize the extent of damage, injury, and death. Providing coordination and the management of resources allows us to better respond to disasters.

The Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management is responsible for the protection of the College community, first aid, emergency assistance, 24-hour escort service (upon request), enforcement of campus parking regulations, and the lost and found service. Officers on each campus are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dial 7-3333 from any campus phone or 240-567-3333 to reach a campus public safety office.

Learning how to be prepared in the event of an active attacker can save your life. This video will teach you the steps that everyone should review and understand to help in case of an active attacker.

Active Attacker: Steps to Follow


  1. person runningHave an escape route and plan in mind. Know more than one way out.
  2. Move away from the danger.
  3. Leave belongings behind, and get out. Do not waste time gathering your coat and backpack.
  4. Keep your hands visible.
  5. Follow all directions from police and Public Safety. 


  1. person hiding Your second option should be to hide.
  2. Lockdown: barricade doors, shut off lights, silence phones.
  3. Do not huddle together. Get into a safe corner. 


  1. person fightingFighting is the last resort.
  2. Find an object to use as a weapon such as a fire extinguisher, chair, etc.
  3. Work together to incapacitate the attacker. 
Lockdown: Active Attacker – Shooter/Hostage
  • Notification will be sent via the MC alert system, email, PA system, message boards, and/or emergency personnel.
  • If observing an incident on campus, call 911 first, and IMMEDIATELY afterward call Public Safety at 240-567-3333.
  • Assist in alerting others in the vicinity, but do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others.
  • Seek shelter in a secure room with a locking door if possible. Avoid open areas. Close, lock and move away from doors and windows. Turn off lights, remain quiet, and turn cell phones to vibrate.
  • Remain alert for emergency communications and further instructions, which may include staying, moving to another location, or evacuating.
  • If moving to another location or evacuating, elevators can be used.
  • Do not leave until instructed by emergency personnel and the all clear is given.

What to Do During a Lockdown:

  • Hide in the nearest room
  • Lock or barricade the door
  • Close windows
  • Turn off lights
  • Remain quiet
  • Do not leave until instructed to do so by law enforcement or public safety
  • Notification will be via the MC Alert (text messages and email), mass notification systems (PA systems), and/or public safety emergency personnel.
  • Assist in alerting others in the vicinity, but do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others.
  • Close all doors and windows to the outside if possible.
  • If in laboratories, cease operations, close fume hoods in case the building ventilation systems are turned off.
  • In case of tornado, move to tornado safety areas –basements, interior rooms, and halls away from glass.
  • If moving to safety or shelter areas, elevators can be used.
  • Do not evacuate unless given direction by emergency personnel or MC Public Safety.
  • Remain alert for emergency communications, further instructions, and the all clear to be given.
Evacuation: Fire – Smoke – Bomb Threat - Gas Leak
  • Notification will typically be via the fire alarm; In some cases, the MC Alert system will be utilized.
  • Assist in alerting others in the vicinity, but do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others.
  • Leave buildings immediately using nearest exits/stairways; remain alert for emergency communications.
  • If applicable, assist disabled on upper floors to designated wheelchair assembly areas.
  • In case of fire, do not use elevators; otherwise, elevators can be used to evacuate.
  • Proceed directly to the designated exterior assembly area (See Evacuation Routes and Assembly Areas Map).
  • Do not re-enter buildings under any circumstance until informed that it is safe and the all clear is given.

See Evacuation Maps below.

Shelter-in-Place: Tornado – Weather Events – Environmental Hazards
  • Notification will be via the MC Alert (text messages and email), mass notification systems (PA systems), and/or public safety emergency personnel.
  • Assist in alerting others in the vicinity, but do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others.
  • Close all doors and windows to the outside if possible.
  • If in laboratories, cease operations, close fume hoods in case the building ventilation systems are turned off.
  • In case of tornado, move to tornado safety areas –basements, interior rooms and halls away from glass.
  • If moving to safety or shelter areas, elevators can be used.
  • Remain alert for emergency communications, further instructions, and the all clear to be given.

If you are indoors when the shaking starts: 

  • Move no more than a few steps and drop to the floor, preferably under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall away from windows.  Hold that position until the shaking stops.
  • If you are in a crowded area, drop to the floor where you are, and encourage others to do the same.
  • Do not try to leave the building during strong shaking.

If you are outdoors when the shaking starts:

  • Move to a clear area away from buildings, trees, light poles, power lines and anything else that could fall on you.
  • If you are driving, stop when you can safely do so.  Avoid stopping under anything that could fall on you, like traffic lights, or on anything that could be damaged in an earthquake, like bridges or dams. Stay in the vehicle until the shaking stops.

When the shaking stops: 

  • Expect aftershocks.  Follow procedures above each time you feel one.
  • Check yourself and others for injuries.  If you need assistance, call the Office of Safety and Security.  If injuries are potentially life threatening, call 9-1-1 first, then call the Office of Safety and Security.
  • Check the area around you for hazards, such as broken glass, small fires or downed power lines.
  • Be careful opening cabinets and closets, as items on shelves may have shifted.
  • Follow instructions provided by Security officers, Montgomery College ALERT, or through other College emergency notification methods.  These instructions may include evacuation information.

If you evacuate:       

  • Walk quickly to the nearest available exit that can be reached safely, alert others to do the same, and help persons requiring assistance, with their permission.  Your only evacuation notification may be a fire alarm.
  • Do not use elevators during an evacuation.
  • Notify Security officers or other responding emergency personnel of any persons remaining in the building.
  • Go to the nearest evacuation area (see Emergency Procedures, pp. 28-34). Evacuation area maps are posted in each building.
  • Do not re-enter a building unless directed by a Security officer, fire/rescue or a clearly identified member of the Campus Response Team.

When the winds kick up, the sky is dark, and we are concerned about severe weather swirling around us, it is often confusing when we hear Watches and Warnings on the news. A Watch means that the event is possible, the conditions are right, one may occur, and the affected area is often quite large. Whether it’s a tornado, high wind, or severe weather event with heavy rain, wind, and possible hail, we must take these events seriously. During this time, you should review your severe weather preparations and talk them over with family and co-workers. Review issues such as where you are going to go if a bad storm strikes, and do we have first aid and food supplies on hand. Continue to monitor the weather with NOAA weather radios, apps, TV, or the Internet.

When a Warning is broadcast, it means that the severe weather or tornado has been spotted. This warning area is generally much smaller than that of a watch. Observe the storm closely to determine if it is in your area, or the other side of the county. If one is detected anywhere near you move to a weather-safe location immediately. These areas include interior rooms in the lowest portion of a building. Stay away from windows and doors to protect yourself from debris. Stay there until the storm has passed or the ALL CLEAR is given.    

The main thing to remember is that during a Tornado Watch, you should be prepared and during a Tornado Warning you need to take action! 

Evacuation Maps

Germantown Evacuation Map (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)
Click on the image for a larger version of the map.

Evacuation Map for Germantown Campus

Rockville Evacuation Map (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)
Click on the image for a larger version of the map.

Evacuation Map for Rockville Campus

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Evacuation Map (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)
Click on the image for a larger version of the map.

Note: Campus buildings are subject to changes due to renovations, closures, or general improvements to the campus. For the most current campus map, visit

Evacuation Map for Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

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