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MC Alert

MC Alert Logo
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Montgomery College regards the safety and security of our students, employees and College visitors as a top priority. The College employs an emergency notification system, called “MC Alert,” to communicate information about emergency situations, school closings, and delays. MC Alerts are communicated as text messages, emails, notifications to College computers, alerts on the College’s EDU and MyMC websites, posts on the Montgomery College Facebook and X pages, as well as messages on some digital signs on College property.

To enhance its emergency notifications, the College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety, a leading emergency notification platform for colleges and universities.

MC Alerts for Students and Employees

MC students and employees are automatically subscribed to MC Alert via their MyMC login. The default delivery method is a student or employee email issued by the College. The College strongly encourages students and employees to register to receive text messages to your cell phones and personal emails (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). College students and employees are responsible for managing their contact information and communication preferences.

MC Employees/Students Add Your Cell # Here

MC Alerts for Parents and Community Members

We would like to invite community members, parents and MC’s contracted employees to also register for the new MC Alert system. 

Parents/Community Members Register Here

Frequently Asked Questions About MC Alert

MC Alert is the communications system Montgomery College uses to send emergency text alerts, notifications and email messages and/or mobile device, as well as digital signage on College property. All MC students, faculty, and staff email accounts are automatically registered on the MC Alert system via MyMC. The College encourages students, faculty, and staff to add their mobile devices and secondary email addresses to their MC Alert accounts.  Logon to MyMC and click on the MC Alert logo to edit your settings. Non-MC members of the community (individuals who do NOT have a MyMC login) can also sign up to receive MC Alert by visiting the community portal at this link.
Students and employees are already registered to receive alerts to their College email addresses. However, we encourage everyone to register mobile numbers and additional email addresses to ensure prompt receipt of MC Alerts on multiple devices. To register mobile numbers and alternate email addresses, log in to MyMC and click on the MC Alert icon. On the MC Alert portal page, simply add cell phone number(s) and alternate emails (your MC email is already registered).
In an emergency situation, an alert will be sent by the Montgomery College Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, which serves as the MC Alert administrator. You may receive several emails and text messages on your mobile device, as well as messages on the website, the Montgomery College Facebook and X, and digital signs. Read these messages promptly and follow the instructions. Additional instructions may follow throughout the emergency. Once the incident has stabilized and there is no longer a threat to the Montgomery College community, an "All Clear" message will be issued.

Possible alert notifications include:

Active shooter
Lock down
Gas leak
Shelter in place
Hazardous materials
College closed or delayed (weather)
Natural disaster
Classes cancelled (early closing)
Power failure
Hostile intruder
Utilities failure
Immediate evacuation
All clear
Police activity on campus
Crime alert
Bomb threat or bomb found
Incident notification
The MC Alert notifications are only issued when necessary and the exact number of MC Alert messages is difficult to predict. MC Alert messages are only sent in emergency situations in which there is an immediate threat to public safety or a closure/delay announcement.
MC Alert is a new software system designed to streamline all Montgomery College related communication mechanisms. MC Alert will send out messages via emails, text messages, the Montgomery College website, Montgomery College Facebook and Twitter pages, and digital signs. The system is designed to allow for messages to be sent out in a timely manner to multiple platforms. If you receive Alert Montgomery notifications (traffic, weather), you will still receive those messages. You must register to receive MC Alert notifications to your cell phone and non-MC emails by going to the MC Alert portal.
MC students, faculty and staff are added to the MC Alert system on a weekly basis. Your information will be imported each week on every Friday morning.
You cannot opt out of emergency messages delivered to your MC-issued email address; however, you can unsubscribe from receiving MC Alert texts your phone and non-Montgomery College email addresses by logging into the system and deleting these subscriptions. You may also stop messages directly to your phone by texting the word STOP to 67283.
There is no charge to participate in the MC Alert system.  However, users are responsible for paying all messaging charges associated with their wireless carrier plans.
Contact Shawn Harrison, Montgomery College’s Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management, by e-mail or Marcus Rosano, Montgomery College’s Director of Media and Public Relations
Where Can I Get Notifications?

Montgomery College will always operate on its regular schedule unless otherwise announced. Depending on the nature of the incident, notifications of emergencies and changes to the College’s operational status will be communicated through one or more of the following means: