Tracking Implementation
A Strategic Plan is an action plan and as such Montgomery College’s plan is being implemented across the college in big and small ways every day.
The Goals of the plan will serve as the Annual Institutional Priorities, with a subset of Intended Outcomes and associated Supporting Strategies and Outcomes selected for attention each of the five years that the plan spans. For example, in FY 24, thirteen Supporting Strategies, supporting seventeen Intended Outcomes, with an emphasis on Goals 1 and 2, were chosen.
Selecting Outcomes for focus each year serves as a means of organizing our work, ensuring all outcomes are given attention, and engaging with the Supporting Strategies while also leaving room for other activities, programs, and initiatives that advance the goals of the plan.
Key areas of the college align their own master plans and annual goals to those in the strategic plan most relevant to their work.
Teams of staff, faculty, and administrators work in groups, organized by outcome and regardless of whether that outcome is in focus, report regularly on their actions.
While key Indicator data is tracked annually, teams report quarterly on their progress using the data metrics that they already use in their work. This ensures that Strategic Plan activities are integrated into the work of the College and continually evaluated.
There are many outstanding examples of the progress we are making toward reaching the goals of the plan, just a few of which are highlighted below.
Enhance connections between Montgomery College and our community
In April 2024, the East County Educational Center opened, representing an important step forward in the development of an East County expansion plan to meet the community’s educational needs. The first non-credit classes on April 1st were fully enrolled and credit classes begin in the summer. The 55,000 square feet building is home to a flex lab for hands-on training as well as nursing labs, all-purpose classrooms, convening spaces, and a library.
The Harvest Festival in October 2023 was one of the ways that the College is scaling up outreach efforts in the community to raise awareness of the academic, cultural, and civic opportunities available at the College. Hosted by WDCE and held on the Rockville campus, the Harvest Fest attracted over 500 community members who enjoyed activities for all ages including an art show, dancing, a coding demonstration, a DJ, ice cream, while learning about WDCE offerings and financial assistance programs.
The Mobile Market is a partnership between Montgomery College and the Capital Area Food Bank and is an example of how the College is leveraging partnerships with community-based organizations addressing mental health, food and housing insecurity for students and employees.
Held once a month on each of the three campuses with the help of employee and student volunteers, the market provides fresh fruits, vegetables, and other foods to MC students, faculty/staff, and the community at no cost to participants. In FY 24 over 6,000 people were served.
Thanks to the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, 50 new career advisors will serve in Montgomery County Public Schools to provide career exploration, career conversations, and career planning for students from grades 6 to 12. Through a new formal partnership, MCPS, WorkSource Montgomery (WSM), and Montgomery College will train these advisors and provide MCPS students with on-campus activities thereby significantly expanding connections with county students.
Cultivate a sense of belonging for everyone at the College
In August 2023, the College was selected from among Generation Hope’s inaugural FamilyU cohort as the exemplary institution, which means MC will receive $25,000 to continue advancing our student-parent work. An estimated 15-20% of students are parenting while they pursue their education at MC and the College is committed to ensuring they feel a sense of belonging, helping to support their journey to successful completion and post-completion success.
Embracing open education resources is one way the College seeks to leverage innovative teaching and delivery models to ensure equitable access and success for all students. In Fall 2023, 641 (24%) of all courses were “Z courses” (no textbook purchases required!) which represents an almost 10% increase compared to Fall 2022.
Making students feel welcome and increasing their sense of belonging starts before they even enroll. In October 2023, Raptor Central began making personalized outreach calls to new students and since then have made over 7,000 calls and connected with over 2,400 students. Early data shows that those students who were successfully reached are more likely to claim their MC account and take next steps toward enrollment.
Enhance educational and organizational effectiveness
As part of the process mapping, the College is closely examining the six existing student applications and identifying opportunities for consolidation, aiming to improve the overall student experience through increased efficiency.
The addition of Learning Centers, including at the East County Educational Center, as in-person locations for students to undergo the placement process, helps to ensure students are quickly and accurately placed in classes for which they are best prepared to be successful.
Raptor Central, Counseling and Advising, and Recruitment teams began collaborating to offer Registration Open Houses in both face-to-face and online formats. These one-stop-shop events allow students to apply for admission, meet with an advisor, register for classes, apply for financial aid, and begin the placement process ensuring an efficient start to their educational journey at MC.
Increase economic impact for our students and community
In April 2024, the ribbon was cut on the Hughes Network Systems, LLC (HUGHES)'s cutting-edge manufacturing facility at Montgomery College’s PIC MC at the Germantown Campus. This partnership aims to strengthen the workforce in Montgomery County, create workforce development and career opportunities, and provide experiential opportunities for MC students that lead to post-completion success.
In the Next Gen Talent series, industry leaders and Montgomery College President Jermaine F. Williams discuss Montgomery County’s workforce needs—ways to open doors to careers for residents and close skill gaps for employers. Topics in FY 24 have included skills-based hiring, in-demand jobs, career paths, and more.