Office of Planning and Policy
We support the Mission of Montgomery College by fostering accountability and student success through planning, institutional research, and assessment.
We provide guidance to the College community by:
Leading the review of the College's mission, goals, and outcomes.
Leading long-range, strategic, and tactical planning processes.
Coordinating the development and maintenance of College policies and procedures.
Facilitating policies that ensure college data integrity.
Interpreting data to inform and enhance decision making.
Strategic Plan Focus
Montgomery College was guided by four priorities in FY23 (July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023). Each was related to the College’s strategic plan, though distinct from the plan, and informed by the post-pandemic return to campus. In total there were 25 Supporting Strategies to advance these priorities and 25 Indicators/Qualitative Measures. Resources, financial and personnel, were shifted to accomplish goals and barriers were removed.
The four priorities for FY23 were:
- Transform student experiences and success
- Expand educational opportunity to transform lives
- Expand partnerships to strengthen our community and empower economic mobility
- Strengthen employee engagement and develop workforce to prepare our students for a rapidly evolving future
The measures of the goals were assessed (PDF, ) as completed, in progress, or advanced to FY24.