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Statement from Dr. Jermaine F. Williams, President of Montgomery College, on the Passing of Former Board of Trustees Member Dr. Judith Docca

"It is with deep sadness that Montgomery College announces the passing of former Montgomery College Trustee Dr. Judith R. Docca. Dr. Docca served on the Board of Trustees from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and was recently awarded a Bronze Medallion in recognition of her outstanding service to the College. During her time on the Board, she exemplified trusteeship excellence, scholarship, and stewardship. She was deeply committed to the fundamental mission of community colleges. She embraced diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice on the College Board of Trustees and in numerous capacities countywide. Her passing is felt profoundly at Montgomery College and in Montgomery County.

In all of her work, Dr. Docca embodied a passion for education and for the creation of opportunity for students in need. Among other roles, she served as a principal and taught in the Montgomery County Public Schools for 38 years. Elected to four terms on the Board of Education, she chaired the Communications and Public Engagement Committee and served on the Special Populations Committee. She was also active in the Montgomery County NAACP, the Multicultural Community Partnership, the Montgomery County Alliance of Black School Educators, the Hispanic Educators Association, and the Asian American Educators Association. She led the charge in the 1990s to save Montgomery County’s Head Start program, working with the community to convince the Board of Education, the County Executive, and the County Council to continue this unique educational program. Dr. Docca was inducted into the Montgomery County Human and Civil Rights Hall of Fame for these and other extraordinary efforts.

The MC community is deeply grateful for the contributions of Trustee Docca and her dedication to student success, social justice, and community engagement. We will miss her and will carry her spirit forward in our work. On behalf of the entire MC community, I offer my deepest condolences to her family.”