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Optional Practical Training (OPT)


Optional Practical Training: practical experience in the academic field, paid or unpaid, that is not part of the degree program. Experience may take place anywhere inside of the United States.

Note: The form and fee are under review, and it may change anytime. Be sure you use our form for I-765.

During COVID-19, please email the office for a Zoom Appointment. DO NOT email your documents.


  • F-1 status and have completed two full time semesters of non-ESL courses
  • Be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 minimum

Available Time Period 

  • Full time during summer vacation and holidays when school is not in session.
  • Part time during school sessions, training cannot exceed twenty hours per week.
  • Full time after graduation*.  Most students use it at this time.  *Apply 90 days before to 6 weeks AFTER graduation.
  • Up to 12 calendar months of OPT is permitted at each educational level (Associate, Bachelor, Master, etc.)
  • Associate level OPT cannot be "extended".  

Application Procedure to apply for an EAD (Employment Authorization Document)

File I-765 Online

For more details, visit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Servicesnew window.

File I-765 by Mail

For more details, visit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Servicesnew window.

Important Points to Remember

  • You do not need a job to apply for Optional Practical Training; however you must e-mail the Office of International Student Coordinators the name and address of your company when you get your job.  Soon USCIS will email you to create a login to update your work and address information yourself too.
  • Once you receive your actual EAD card you may work, send a copy to the Office of International Student Coordinators.
  • You can apply for Social Security Card with your EAD; you do not need a new Social Security Card if you already have one.
  • You must “work”.  You may have up to 90 days total that you are between jobs or not yet working.
  • You "work" may be an unpaid internship or volunteer position.  You should keep proof of a position that was designed to be unpaid.
  • Remember, you may need to pay income taxes, but there are some taxes F-1 students are exampted – see Tax Obligations in the U.S. and SprintaxTDS Personal Guide for OPT/CPT Studentsnew window.
  • Follow normal F1 procedures for transfer to another institution
  • To travel outside of the US while on OPT you will need:
    • Your I-20 signed by an International Coordinator at Montgomery College
    • Fill out the Travel Signature Form (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) and email it to your main Coordinator.
    • Your EAD card
    • A letter from your employer saying that you will be returning to continue your work, OR a job offer letter if you have not started yet
  • It may be difficult to re-new your F-1 visa after you graduate, even with your EAD card
  • Your passport needs to be valid for the entire time of your OPT at the time you apply
  • Keep your email, address, and telephone number current with the Office of International Student Coordinators. USCIS will email you to create a portal login so you can update your work and address information yourself.
  • Graduates may take part time classes but NOT start their “next level of education” (bachelor's or master's) program until OPT is completed
  • Make sure to keep your health insurance active. Talk to the insurance company about OPT insurance or with the company that will hire you about OPT insurance plans.
  • Students who use only part of their 12 months are able to use the other parts either BEFORE graduation OR if they complete another Associate-Level degree.  A new 12 months is available at the Bachelor level and each level of education above that. STEM majors, ABOVE the Associate level only, can get an extension of their Post-Completion OPT (called the "STEM Extension").
  • Remember, your application MUST be received by 21 days after the date your I-20 for OPT was created.  If you cannot send it in time, or your I-797 Receipt Notice Date is more than 29 days after the date your I-20 for OPT was created, contact your International Coordinator Immediately. If not received in time, your OPT will be denied and you may lose legal status.
  • You can check Case Processing Timenew window.  The form is I-765 and the Service Center will usually be "Potomac Service Center".
    If you get a receipt number starting with EAC, you should check "Vermont Service Center.

* PDF Version of OPTIONAL PRACTICAL TRAINING (OPT) (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

* Additional Information for OPT applicants (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) .

Last updated: June 1, 2021