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How to Complete Your Academic Plan (SAP-C)

Your professor may assign the Student Academic Plan for Completion or SAP-C as part of your coursework. If you are working on SAP-C as part of a class assignment, please follow your professor’s instructions for due dates, completion, sign-offs, and any other related activities, and plan ahead to meet these deadlines. If you are not completing a class assignment, SAP-C is a useful planning tool that can better inform your academic advising appointments by reflecting on your degree requirements, courses, and graduation and transfer needs. 

Please remember that counselors and program advisors are happy to discuss your SAP-C, but they will not fill it for you. You should start filling out SAP-C on your own before meeting with a counselor or program advisor. Bring your questions to the appointment to discuss courses you're interested in and to build an estimated timeline for completion.

Here are some resources to help you complete your academic plan:

  1. Montgomery College Catalognew window: Use the MC online catalog to review program requirements for your major and the recommended course sequence. Check the program requirements for the year that matches your catalog year.
  2. General Education (Gen Ed) Courses: Whether a course completes a specific General Education requirement depends on the course’s Gen Ed status the year it is completed. Remember to use the current academic year’s General Education course listing to ensure your selected course meets the Gen Ed requirement for the current academic year.
  3. Math and English requirements: Complete your math and English foundation courses within your first two semesters or as soon as you have completed any prerequisites. A counselor will help you understand placement scores and which courses to take. Waiting on your math and English requirements will delay your graduation.
  4. Advising Worksheets: Each program has an advising worksheet that details the requirements for that major. Follow the link to find the worksheet for your major.
  5. Academic History: You can see the courses you have already taken by reviewing your academic history. This is available in SAP-C and the Student Advisory Report (SAR).
  6. Academic Advising Appointment: Meet with a counselor or program advisor to discuss the courses and course sequencing you should follow.
  7. Starfish Degree Plan: Review your Starfish degree plan if you have worked on one with a counselor.
  8. Course Equivalencies: Review the resources on this page to understand how courses are accepted when you transfer from MC to another school or vice versa. You can also review recommended transfer programs (see a counselor or program advisor for help).
  9. Transfer Agreements: Review these transfer agreements to know if one exists for your intended transfer major and to help you meet any course requirements for transfer.

Step-by-Step Guide to Complete your Academic Plan

You are responsible for filling in your plan before your academic advising appointment and for submitting it to your professor by the due date. Counselors and program advisors are not responsible for completing SAP-C for you, but they are available to review your plan and discuss your course selection and course sequencing with you. The instructions below will help you complete and/or update your SAP-C. Before getting started, please review any guidelines your professor has given you if you are completing SAP-C for a class assignment. 

Step 1 – Sign In and General Info:

Log into MyMC and select Counseling and Advising under the Resources tile. If you do not see this tile, select Discover More and search for Counseling and Advising

Resources screenshot

Then select Student Academic Plan for Completion (SAP-C) from the list.

counseling and advising tools screenshot

Select  Create/Edit the Academic Plan. The next page will display your name, M number, last term you attended classes, total earned credits, and your major. If your major is not correct, you must complete the Declaration of Change of Program of Study form and submit it to the Office of Records and Registration at your home campus. Waiting to update this information will lead to different program requirements and could delay graduation.

SAPC name information row

In the menu below, select Academic History to review courses you have already completed and to verify if anticipated transfer credit has been applied. (If you expect transfer credit from AP, IB or CLEP scores or other institutions to be listed, be sure that you have submitted the appropriate documents.)

SAPC tab row

Step 2 – Current Courses:

If you prefer, you may label the first proposed semester with the current semester and update it with the courses you are currently taking by searching for the course and adding it to proposed semester 1.

Be sure to click Save/Update at the bottom left corner of the screen when you are done with Step 2.

Current courses screen

Step 3 – Future Courses:

Label each proposed semester with the semester’s name (e.g., Fall 2024, Spring 2025, etc.). Then, search for the courses you plan to take and add them to the semester you plan to take them. You can do this for one or two semesters or according to your professor’s instructions for a class assignment. 

Be sure to click  Save/Update at the bottom left corner of the screen when you are done with Step 3. 

Future courses screen

Step 4 – Academic Plan Review:

Students should meet with the program advisor for their major by looking for them on the college’s advising by major page. General Studies majors can meet with a General Studies program advisor for their core or with a counselor to review their plan. Whomever you meet with should add and save comments and their name under the Advisor Information (Step 2) tab.

Schedule your academic advising appointment early! Academic planning appointments are not emergencies. It is not appropriate to request an email review, a last-minute appointment or that the counselor or program advisor send an email extension on your behalf to your professor. Plan ahead to have a meaningful conversation with a counselor or program advisor about your course selection and path to degree completion.

Step 5 – Submit Plan:

After Step 4 is complete, select the Complete (Step 3) tab and click on Submit as Complete to show you have completed all steps of your SAP-C plan for now. You will be able to update/edit your plan later.

 Click on Print Student Academic Plan to have a printed copy for your records or to help you register for next semester. If needed for a class, follow your professor’s directions to submit the assignment.

We strongly advise that you update your academic plan in SAP-C each semester so it reflects courses you are taking, your future course plans, and/or revisions needed should your plans change.