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Student services will be suspended on Wednesday, March 19, for Staff Enrichment Day.

GED Test Prep Frequently Asked Questions

GED® Program and Registration Questions
Notice: During COVID19 ALL orientations and classes are online until further notice!
Students must be 18 years of age or older at the time of registration. Students 18 years of age must provide official documentation of school withdrawal. (If you are under 18 years of age, please contact us.)
F-1 Visa students (International students) are prohibited from attending public elementary or publicly-funded education programs. Publicly funded adult education is defined as: "Education, training or English as a second language programs operated by, through, or for a local public school district, system, agency or authority, regardless of whether such a program charges fees or tuition." Programs under this definition cannot accept students in F-1 status, even if tuition is charged.
J-1 Visa students (exchange visitor) are required to speak and understand English and have a secondary school education. We do not serve foreign J-1 Visa students who meet these two requirements. We also do not issue academic credit as required for a J-1 Visa.
You must bring a valid picture I.D. and one or two pencils for the placement tests.
No -- For safety and security reasons, children, friends, or family are not allowed in the classrooms or buildings. Please be sure to make arrangements prior to Registration Day.
The orientation and placement tests will take approximately 3.5 to 4 hours total.
Registration is on first-come first-served basis. The first students in line will have priority. If you are a returning student with a pre-registration form, you do not need to come to pre-registration early, but you must notify a teacher that you are a returning student.
Tell your teacher that you cannot attend the upcoming session. Then, contact Adult ESOL and Basic Skills for College and Careers Program 240-567-8950 for the next session’s orientation date.
You need to attend Assignment Day in order to get into a class; however, if there are emergency situations, please talk to one of the teachers at orientation.
We will put your name on a wait list, and you will get priority placement in the next session. Or, you can consider a different site if space allows. 
If there is no room in a class when you come to register you will be put on a waiting list. The waiting list is for one session only. Wait-listed students who have taken the placement test are normally given priority for the next session. Email for more informationnew window.
It is very important that you do not lose this card. However, if you do misplace it, you should still come to Assignment Day and we will assist you then.
No. You MUST attend orientation and take the math and English placement tests before you are enrolled in a class.
GED® Class Level, Schedule, and Cost Questions
For information on class times and schedules, call the AELG front desk at (240) 567-8950. Or, you can visit the AELG GED Program At a Glance Schedule. 
Class length varies at different locations. Classes are 2 or 3 hours long per subject.
ABE and Pre-GED level classes are free of charge. The cost of GED test preparation classes depends on the number of class hours and ranges from $40-$65. Students are also responsible for purchasing their own textbooks at the beginning of the term.
If you miss the first two days of class, you will automatically be dropped. If you miss more than three days during the session you will also be dropped. In case of emergency situations such as medical emergencies or court appointments, you need to talk to your teachers and site mentor for any exceptions. 
No. You may switch to a different location or class time when you register for the following session.
It is different for every student. Most students may need at least 120 hours of class time to move up a level. You might have to repeat your level if you do not meet the scoring qualifications to advance to the next level.
Talk to your teacher. Your teacher will give you a pre-registration form for the following session. 
Contact Natalie Martineznew window, Disability Support Services Counselor, at 240-567-4118.