Montgomery College’s Office of Communications documents life at MC. We provide high-quality images for the College community and the media to use.
Additionally, we maintain an extensive collection of images that document major events, campus developments, and student, faculty, and alumni achievements.
Photography Services
Our in-house and freelance photographers provides commercial, promotional, journalistic, and studio photography to the College community. Priority is given to photography required for student recruitment, communications, and media and public relations. This includes:
- Major Montgomery College events and celebrations
- Notable guest speakers
- Photographs for press releases, media requests, and College publications
- Alumni-related events and portraits for the alumni magazine
- Important promotional photos, such as award presentations
Photography Requests
Photography services can be provided to MC campuses, departments and units, and is subject to availability for:
- Classroom environments
- Academic or campus life activities
- Campus architecture
- On- and off-campus locations
- Portraits or headshots
The College photographers serve the entire College community and receives multiple requests daily. We ask that you submit your photography request to RequestPhotos@montgomerycollege.edu at least 3-4 weeks in advance of your event or deadline.
Submission of a request does not guarantee that a photographer will attend your event. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis depending on date, priority, usage, and need. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
Montgomery College provides photographs via our Flickr sitenew window for use by campus departments, news organizations, and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, e-mails, products, promotions, or in any way that suggests the approval or endorsement of Montgomery College.
As with all photographs produced by Montgomery College, we retain the right to remove or request removal of a photograph at any time. These images are not available for generic use unrelated to Montgomery College.
These rules and guidelines apply to all photographs produced by Montgomery College’s Office of Communications, including photographs available on our Flickr sitenew window.
The transition of photography to the digital age has made it easier than ever before to manipulate, modify, and change a photograph. As a photograph is perceived to be an accurate record of an event or subject, Montgomery College’s Office of Communications has established these rules with regard to our photographs provided to the College community, the media, or other members of the public.
- The content (which includes the appearance and position of people and objects) may never be altered, changed or manipulated.
- Any change that alters the accuracy or meaning of the photograph is prohibited.
- Acceptable changes include routine cropping, technical touch ups, conversion to black and white, and adjusting color to fit a publication.
- Unacceptable changes include any change to content, flipping or mirroring the image, adding, deleting, combining, or stretching of the image or its content.
Montgomery College retains physical ownership and copyright on all photography produced by its staff. This enables us to maintain a photo library that is accessible to many users. Copyright ownership also enables the College or its Office of Communications to answer questions about appropriate usage.
Montgomery College provides photographs via our Flickr sitenew window for use by campus departments, news organizations, and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, e-mails, products, promotions, or in any way that suggests the approval or endorsement of Montgomery College.
As with all photographs produced by Montgomery College, we retain the right to remove or request removal of a photograph at any time. These images are not available for generic use unrelated to Montgomery College.
Photography releases are necessary for any images that will be used to market or advertise
your College program, such as brochures, advertisements, viewbooks, or posters. If
you request photography services at the College, it is your responsibility, working
in conjunction with the College photographer, to obtain releases from all subjects (PDF, ) participating in a photo shoot.
Montgomery College does not regularly use photography releases nor seek written permission when making photographs or videos of individuals at events open to the general public or created for news and editorial purposes. However, care should be exercised in subsequent use. Make certain that the published context and the caption do not imply details about an individual that are not known to be true.