EWB stands for Engineers Without Borders. EWB-USA is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to partnering with developing communities around the world. We provide engineering services through our volunteer chapter members to implement the infrastructure necessary to meet basic human needs. Through our sustainable engineering projects, we strive to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve. Thousands of members in more than 225 universities and professional chapters work to support these efforts.

Hato Rincón is a mountain community located in the Comarca (legal territory) of the Ngöbe-Buglé, the original people of Western Panama (population 110,080). The primary needs of this community include access to educational opportunities through computers and the internet, access to electricity, improved healthcare services, and better housing. EWB-DC has partnered with the people of Hato Rincón to address these community needs in an initiative called CREER (Centro de Recursos Educativos en Rincon). EL SALVADOR
The people of Santa Clara suffer many hardships, as the majority live in suboptimal conditions without adequate housing, education, or an improved water source and the community’s residents are burdened with a high incidence of water-related illness. This project will have a comprehensive approach to preventing illness by improving water supply and key hygiene behaviors, especially ensuring safe household drinking water and food, proper personal and domestic hygiene, and effective use of sanitation.



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