Welcome to the Montgomery College eMAP.
Please make sure your computer fullfills the following requirements:
  • the current version of Flash
  • access to a printer
  • audio (recommended but not required)
For Windows users:
This site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1152 by 864 pixels. For optimal viewing of this site, follow these instructions.
  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Go to Settings ànd Control Panel
  3. Double-click on Display
  4. Click on the Settings tab
  5. Set screen resolution to 1152 by 864 pixels
  6. Click on OK
For Mac users:

This site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels. To change your resolution, follow these instructions.
  1. From the menu bar, click on the apple in the upper left hand corner and select System Preferences.
  2. Under Hardware, click on Displays
  3. Set screen resolution to 1280 by 800 pixels (your resolution should change immediately)
  4. Exit out of the window to keep settings
Follow the instructions above to reset your screen to the previous settings.
If all requirements are met, click here to begin the eMAP.